मन के मोती...
एक पथिक मैं किसी राह की,
एक मुसाफ़िर अपनी ही धुन की |
कूद-फाँद के कभी संभल के,
फ़ूँक-फ़ूँक के या मस्ती में,
रुके नहीं पग थमे नहीं पग,
था भी कहाँ कोई और विकल्प ?
For that Glimpse from the Past
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(This I wrote for another platform, posting it here…)
Bags were packed, weighed, not once but multiple times. Not more than 24 hours were left for one more journey to begin. In fact, one of the smaller journeys within a bigger journey of life. Where did the last few days fly away, she didn’t realise. Now with a cup of tea in her hand, she could actually feel the frantic pace at which she had been working for the past week or so. Her mind ran through all the lists that she had made as she prepared for her impending journey to meet her children in USA - gifts for each one of her children and grandchildren, her signature delicacies for every family - various sweetmeats (especially besan laddoo), a medley of pickles and what not. Not to forget innumerable things that needed to be taken care of before closing the house for 3-4 months.
continue here...
It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such information with us.